Rodrigo Mendes Pereira (Unilab, Ceará)

Wednesday, December 12th, 16:00, Room 3-009

Title: Topological classification and finite determinacy of knotted maps.

Abstract: In this talk, we show that the knot type of the link of a real analytic map

germ with isolated singularity f :(R2 ,0) → (R4,0) is a complete invariant for C0-A -equivalence. Moreover, we also prove that isolated instability implies C0-finite determinacy, giving an explicit estimate for its degree. For the general case of real analytic map germs,

f : (Rn, 0)→(Rp, 0) (n ≤ p), we use the Lojasiewicz exponent associated to the Mond’s double point ideal I2(f) to obtain some criteria of Lipschitz and analytic regularity. (This is a joint work with Juan Jose Nu ̃no Ballesteros.)