Saurabh Trivedi (ICMC)
Wednesday, May 30th, 16:20, Room 3-010


Title: Contact unimodular strata in the boundary of the nice dimension

Abstract: (Joint work with Cidinha) Three singularity seminars ago, Cidinha talked about the works of Whitney, Thom and in particular of Mather on the singularities of smooth mappings. Among other results she mentioned a result of Mather which says that the smooth stability of maps between two manifolds is a generic condition if and only if the dimensions of the manifolds are 'nice dimensions'. In this talk we will give more details about how the nice dimensions are defined and outline a proof of this result of Mather. We then state a conjecture about Lipschitz stability. We will then present a classification of contact unimodular strata in the boundary of the nice dimensions and prove that they are bi-Lipschitz trivial.