Details: Category: Other International Workshop | Published: 24 March 2017 | Hits: 8949

One consequence of professor G.F. Loibel having followed René Thom’s course and of his founding of the Singularity Theory research group at São Carlos, are the Workshops on Singularities, that started in 1990 and have taken place every 2 years ever since. Read more about the history.


The 1st Workshop On Real And Complex Singularities

See also notes of David Mond's mini-course (Ciclos Evanescentes para las Applicaciones Analíticas) of the previous week in the event VII EBT (Encontro Brasileiro de Topologia)-1990

September 10 to 12,  1990

ICMC-USP-São Carlos-Brazil
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The 2nd Workshop On Real And Complex Singularities

September 26 to 28,  1992

ICMC-USP-São Carlos-Brazil
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The 3rd Workshop On Real And Complex Singularities

August 1 to 5,  1994

ICMC-USP-São Carlos-Brazil
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The 4th Workshop On Real And Complex Singularities

Joint with X EBT (Encontro Brasileiro de Topologia)-1996

July 22 to 26,  1996

ICMC-USP-São Carlos-Brazil

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The 5th Workshop On Real And Complex Singularities

July 27 to  31, 1998

ICMC-USP-São Carlos-Brazil
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The 6th Workshop On Real And Complex Singularities

July 17 to July 21,  2000

ICMC-USP-São Carlos-Brazil
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The 7th Workshop On Real And Complex Singularities

Celebrating the 70th birthday of Gilberto Francisco Loibel 

July 29 to August 2,  2002
ICMC-USP-São Carlos-Brazil

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The 8th Workshop On Real And Complex Singularities

July 19 to 23,  2004

Institut de Mathématiques de Luminy-France


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The 9th Workshop On Real And Complex Singularities

July 23 to 28,  2006

ICMC-USP-São Carlos-Brazil

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